Wound Irrigation Solutions 2020: Interview Prof.Dr. Volker Grosskopf with Gerhard Kammerlander, Akademie-ZWM

The interview of the Deutsche Rechtsdepesche of Prof.Dr. Volker Grosskopf with Gerhard Kammerlander, MBA, akad.BO/DGKPZWM.
The currently important topic of contemporary, modern wound irrigation solutions is questioned by Prof. Dr. Volker Grosskopf of the Deutsche Rechtsdepesche. Gerhard Kammerlander CEO of the Akademie-ZWM Switzerland and Austria and CEO of the WKZ-WundKompetenzZentrum in Linz – Austria, addresses the critical questions and gives an up-to-date overview, also with a link to silver-containing wound products. For knowledge seekers and wound management experts, a broad insight into the current topic and situation.
Basically, this topic is treated differently by health insurance companies in Germany and Switzerland than in Austria, for example.

Here you can find a short version of the video.

Wound Irrigation Solutions – The foundation stone for optimal wound care
Rechtsdepesche.de for the health service